Tuesday 17 August 2010

Another Big Unit...

A very large Columbian belonging to the artist and author Charlotte Cory was delivered from storage in Manchester to London. The press had to be lowered down into the basement area and then set up ready for print.
We started very early on the Sunday morning to enable us to park in the West End and get the lorry near.
Stuart Harwood brought the press down from Manchester and helped us install it.
We were unaware that you are not permitted to move anything before 9am on Sunday. Several agitated neighbours appeared about 845am accusing us of all sorts and some threatening legal action. The dilemma being that you cannot park anywhere during the working week or indeed on a Sunday so what do you do?
After being lambasted on more than one occasion by the same guy all I could do was raise my hands in the air and apologise. However, there is only so much you can take and we hadn't set out to upset anybody. Needless to say the man mentioned ran to teacher but as we were removing not doing building works we hadn't committed an offence. Also you are living in one of the busiest cities in the world, it isn't the quiet countryside! I totally accept that you need to vend your spleen but not 3 times on the same rant. Get over yourselves or move somewhere quieter like a monastery. We only experience this in the Capital, anywhere else weekend work is not necessary and neighbours are much more accepting.
The client was extremely happy and we were very pleased to accomplish this job satisfactorily for her. That is all that matters. Rant over.

1 comment:

  1. i have only just found this blog - very amused to find that momentous day when my wonderful printing press rejoined me (after a long separation due to divorce and a few tricky years) thus immortalized. if only you knew how much it meant to me, both the way AMR rescued the press under great duress, and stored it in careful pieces and then magically reassembled it. wonderful job - shall always be grateful for all the help. and cheerfulness with which it was all accomplished against great odds! v best, and thanks again, charlotte cory
